Health News
States Facing Doctor Shortages Ease Licensing Rules for Foreign-Trained Physicians
A growing number of states have made it easier for doctors who trained in other countries to get medical licenses, a shift supporters say...
Natural DIY Hair Spray
Conventional hair spray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxins in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, PFAS, VOCs and...
Guide to Magnesium: Types, Benefits, and How Much You Need
Of all the minerals your body needs, magnesium might be the most underrated. It can help keep your heart beat steadily, your muscles move...
Trabajadores de clínicas comunitarias repasan protecciones constitucionales mientras se avecinan redadas...
El vestíbulo de la clínica comunitaria St. John’s Community Health en el sur de Los Ángeles está repleto de pacientes, pero a la trabajadora...
How to Make Homemade Black Drawing Salve
I first heard about DIY black drawing salve as a natural remedy when visiting a local Amish community to pick up produce and eggs....
5 Mistakes People Make When Using MyFitnessPal for Weight Loss
If you’ve ever wondered how to use MyFitnessPal without making the most common mistakes, you aren’t alone. When people start a weight loss journey,...