Saving money on your prescriptions

Taking the medicines prescribed by your doctor is an essential part of good health. But just like with groceries and all of life’s other necessities, there are several ways you can pay less for drugs, too.

Below, let’s review some tips for simply and affordably getting prescriptions from pharmacies you trust. With some savvy shopping, you can use the money you save on the things you enjoy.

There are many reasons why drug prices can change, even among pharmacies in your neighborhood. That’s why it’s a great idea to use our prescription drug price estimator. Instead of calling around to compare prices, our estimator lets you easily see what medicines cost at pharmacies near you. In fact, you can get real-time prescription prices from thousands of pharmacies across the country, all in one place.

HealthPartners member tips

Save money with generic drugs – less expensive versions of brand-name medications

Another easy way to save money on your prescriptions is to keep an eye out for generic versions of brand-name medicines:

  • Generic medicines can come in different shapes, sizes and colors, but they still have the same active ingredients and effectiveness as their brand-name counterparts.
  • Generics are manufactured according to strict quality and safety standards.
  • Generic drugs usually cost a lot less than their brand-name counterparts.

Most pharmacies will automatically fill your prescription with a generic if it’s available, even if your provider prescribes a drug by its brand name. Check with your pharmacy to see if this is the case for you. If not, you can always ask for your prescriptions to be filled with an available generic.

If you’re interested in a particular brand-name medicine or you’re not sure about using generic medicines, talk with your doctor for their perspective. Then, if you need to look up brand-name medicine prices, you can shop around using our prescription drug price estimator to find the lowest cost near you. Note that some brand-name medicines may require prior authorization from your health insurer.

When it comes to convenience, your local pharmacy is hard to beat. However, mail order pharmacies provide a great way to get the medication you need safely, securely and at consistently low prices – especially for drugs you take regularly.

HealthPartners members don’t need to look far to find a reputable mail order pharmacy. Most HealthPartners members with plans that include prescription drug benefits can get prescriptions mailed directly to their home through WellDyne at no extra cost.

Larger quantities per medication fill can cost you less over time

Smart shoppers know that buying household products in bulk can be a simple way to save money. The same goes for prescription medicines, especially health maintenance drugs you know you’ll use regularly.

Many pharmacies offer a 90-day supply of these medicines at a better value than 30-day supplies. This is because, like household items, it takes less administrative work to process one 90-day supply than three 30-day supplies – and the savings can get passed on to you. Plus, one pharmacy trip for one 90-day supply can replace three trips for three 30-day supplies – also saving you transportation time and money.

If you take regular medicines, ask your pharmacy if they offer discounts for 90-day or similar refills. If they do, ask your doctor to update your prescription to a 90-day supply. If you’re a HealthPartners member and have questions or need a prior authorization, our Member Services team can assist.

Above all, the best way to get lower prices on prescription medications is to have prescription drug insurance coverage, which absorbs a large portion of costs you’d otherwise have to pay yourself.

If you need help finding a plan, HealthPartners has simple and affordable options that offer the medical and prescription coverage you need alongside extra perks to help you live your healthiest.

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